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Improve your productivity with high-quality Kubota implements

Are you looking to optimise your productivity and maximise your agricultural efficiency? Look no further than Kubota implements. With their unmatched quality and performance, Kubota implements are designed to help you accomplish your tasks effectively and efficiently. Kubota implements are carefully engineered to seamlessly integrate with your Kubota equipment, ensuring a perfect fit and optimum performance. Whether you need to mow, till, plough, or harvest, our implements are built to tackle every task with precision, allowing you to complete your work in record time.

Kubota’s range of implements

The Kubota implement range includes a large variety or machinery, specialising in spreading, cultivation and seeding equipment, while the Land Pride range offers box and grading scrapers, disc harrows, mouldboard ploughs, rear blades, rotary cutters, post hole diggers, seedbed rollers and seeders. As the Krone and Great Plains distributor, we also offer an extensive range of air drills, mechanical and vertical drills through Great Plains, and hay and silage equipment through the trusted German brand Krone.

Kubota Implements to suit every farming need

At Kubota, we understand that every farmer and landowner has unique requirements. This is why we offer a diverse selection of implements to cater to a wide range of needs. Our implements are built to withstand the toughest operating conditions, ensuring long-last performance and minimal downtime. Whether you’re working on rocky terrain, dense vegetation, or uneven surfaces, our implements are designed to tackle any challenge easily. You can significantly increase your agricultural output by integrating our high-quality implements into your Kubota equipment.

Disc Spreader DS Standard Series (DSC700 / DSM1100H / DSM1100C / DSX1875H / DSX1875C)

Disc Spreader DS Standard Series

Disc Spreader DS Standard Series

Kubota DS series of basic spreaders come in hopper capacities of 700 to 1875 L, and optional hopper extensions increase this to 1400 and 4575 L, respectively, depending on the weight of materials. Spreading width varies from 9 m in our compact spreaders, to an impressive 54 m, all with even distribution and double overlap. Gentle agitators rotate the fertiliser before it reaches the spreading vanes, and this smoother acceleration prevents granule fragmentation. Kubota also does extensive spread testing analysis to map overlap patterns in 3D, which results in precise width, rate and spread charts that make our DS Series spreaders reliable and accurate.

Disc Spreader DS Weighing Series (DSM-W1300 Geospread / DSX-W1875 ISOBUS MkII / DSX-W1875 Geospread MkII / DSXL-W1875 Geospread Hi-Speed)

Disc Spreader DS Weighing Series

Disc Spreader DS Weighing Series

Kubota’s DSM-W and DSX-W weighing spreaders have the advantage of speed-related spreading and high-frequency automatic calibration. Hopper volumes range from 1300 to 1875 L, and optional aluminium hopper extensions increase this to 2800 and 4575 L, respectively, depending on the weight of the fertiliser. Spreading width varies from 10 m in the DSM-W1300, to an impressive 54 m, all with even distribution and double overlap. Like our DS standard spreaders, Kubota’s weighing spreaders take advantage of our RotaFlow system, which accelerates the fertiliser granules before they reach the spreading vanes for less impact – all easily controlled via the FlowPilot dashboard.

Pendulum Spreader VS Series (VS220 / VS400 / VS600 / VS750)

Pendulum Spreader VS Series

Pendulum Spreader VS Series

Kubota’s pendulum spreaders are a proven solution for dairy farms, vineyards, general agriculture, horticulture, sports fields and golf courses. Our VS pendulum spreaders offer optimal patterns for even distribution in all conditions, even when it’s windy. A variety of spouts for different applications and working widths make it easy to efficiently spread fertiliser, seeds, sand, salt, pellets or any granular product. In addition, the tough construction resists damage from aggressive types of inputs.

Tine Cultivator CU3001 Series (CU3301 / CU3351)

Tine Cultivator CU3001 Series

Tine Cultivator CU3001 Series

On modern farms, cultivation demands have changed. Tight time slots have to be balanced with higher machine performance. Restricted crop rotations call for technology that meets all the requirements of complex cultivation. Kubota’s CU3001 Series Tine Cultivators offer powerful and efficient performance at high forward speeds and consistent working depth. The CU3001 Series has a well-organised tine arrangement over 3 rows with 285 mm spacing that is designed to ensure smooth flow, optimal mixing and intensive seedbed cultivation even with long residues.

Tine Cultivator CU3001P Series (CU3301P / CU3351P)

Tine Cultivator CU3001P Series

Tine Cultivator CU3001P Series

On today’s farms, cultivation demands have changed. Tight time slots have to be balanced with higher machine performance. Restricted crop rotations call for technology that meets all the requirements of modern cultivation. Kubota’s CU3001P Series Tine Cultivators offer powerful and efficient performance at high forward speeds and consistent working depth. The CU3001P Series has a well-organised tine arrangement over 3 rows with 285 mm spacing that is designed to ensure smooth flow, optimal mixing and intensive seedbed cultivation even with long residues.

Precision Planter PP1001 Series (PP1301 / PP1351 / PP1401 / PP1451 / PP1501 / PP1601)

Precision Planter PP1001 Series

Precision Planter PP1001 Series

Rigid frame precision planters are a cost-efficient alternative for all kinds of farming applications. Kubota’s PP1001 Series is the perfect precision drill for farmers and contractors who need a versatile, light but strong machine that can handle various crops and row widths. The PP1001 come in small and large frames, and can be combined with optional fertiliser spreaders, front hoppers or microgranular spreaders.

Precision Planter PP1000V Series (PP1450V / PP1450V-SX)

Precision Planter PP1000V Series

Precision Planter PP1000V Series

Kubota’s PP1000V Series of precision planters are the perfect drill for busy farmers and contractors who need a machine with variable row widths and maximum flexibility. With the PP1000V, the crop row width is configured in no time, for efficient response to changing needs. The PP1000V can be equipped with a 1000 L fertiliser hopper or front hopper solution, and a microgranular applicator is also available.

Precision Planter PP1001F Series (PP1601F HD / PP1601F SX)

Precision Planter PP1001F Series

Simple to operate yet incredibly powerful, the economical M Series tractor range is ideal for a wide variety of applications from property maintenance to commercial landscaping and farming applications. Kubota’s M7040SUHD utility tractor offers powerful performance with a 68HP, 4-cylinder turbo charged, E-CDIS engine. Designed for heavy duty work and equipped with hydraulic shuttle, Creep Speed and Auto-hitch for a more productive and practical operation. Available with a variety of attachments.

Precision Planter PP1001TF Series (PP1601TF / PP1601TF-SX)

Precision Planter PP1001TF Series

Precision Planter PP1001TF Series

Kubota’s PP1001TF Series of trailing precision planters offer the perfect combination of high performance from low pulling force. The trailed, foldable frame for up to 8 rows is equipped with a big 2000 L fertiliser hopper, but the PP1001TF Series can be pulled by a 90 hp tractor with little hydraulic capacity and requires no lifting capacity.

Vegetable Planter VP1000 Series (VP1250 / VP1300 / VP1350 / VP1400 / VP1450 / VP1500 / VP1600 / VP1600f)

Vegetable Planter VP1000 Series

Vegetable Planter VP1000 Series

The key to farming success is growing fresh products that comply with ever higher quality standards. Vegetables are the most important source of vitamins and nutrients in the human diet, and growing quality produce in the right amounts and the right way is a huge challenge. Precise seed placement is the first fundamental step to top quality production, that makes the most of soil conditions and harvest windows.

Vegetable Planter VP1000F Folding Series (VP1600F)

Vegetable Planter VP1000F Folding Series

Vegetable Planter VP1000F Folding Series

The key to farming success is growing fresh products that comply with ever higher quality standards. Vegetables are the most important source of vitamins and nutrients in the human diet, and growing quality produce in the right amounts and the right way is a huge challenge. Precise seed placement is the first fundamental step to top quality production, that makes the most of soil conditions and harvest windows.

Product Features

The VP1000F Folding Series Vegetable Planter has a 6 m configuration. The 7.00-12AS tyres are standard fittings and ensure low soil impact during sowing, to a maximum of 32 rows in this model. All models in the VP1000 Series can handle single, twin double row units, and the Clear Air Set system as standard conveniently blows seed coatings to the ground. The VP1000 pneumatic precision seed drill for a large variety of natural, coated or pelleted seeds like, onion, cabbage, spinach, carrot, asparagus and many other types of vegetable, as well as medicinal herbs, flowers and trees.

Seeding Combination SC Series (SC1301C / SC1401F / SC1401CF / SC1601F / SC1601CF)

Seeding Combination SC Series

Seeding Combination SC Series

Kubota’s SC Series Seeding Combination Seed Drills find the perfect balance between high-tech performance and easy operation. They work hard, yet are easy to handle, transport and maintain. The fully ISOBUS compatible SC series puts precision farming techniques like one-pass sowing and automatic headland control at your fingertips, to help boost efficiency, and save time and money.

Coulterbar CB2000F Series (CB2500F / CB2600F)

Coulterbar CB2000F Series

Coulterbar CB2000F Series

The modular structure of the Kubota CB2000F Series Coulterbar Seed Drill ensures even weight distribution across the set-up, and efficient operation thanks to the quick coupling system. The CB2000F drill also works in seamless combination with the SH1650 Series Front Hopper, for maximum tractor balance.

Seed Drill SD2001MP Series (SD2301MP / SD2351MP / SD2401MP)

Seed Drill SD2001MP Series

Seed Drill SD2001MP Series

Kubota’s SD2100MP Series Seed Drills provide seed bed preparation, soil recompaction and precise sowing in just one pass. Each model is simple to operate, starting with the generous 1100 L hopper for easy loading. Operators have a good view from the cab, and basic weighing equipment (collection pan and scale) is supplied as standard. All models in the range use ELDOS (electronic dosing) metering, and can sow anywhere from 1 to 400 kg per hectare. Sowing depth is accurate and easily adjusted via spacers at the two hydraulic cylinders, and power harrow adjustments don’t affect the coulterbar.

Front Hopper SH1000 Series (SH1150 / SH1150-ISO / SH1650C)

Front Hopper SH1000 Series

Front Hopper SH1000 Series

The Kubota SH1000 Series Front Hoppers provide an integrated solution to seeding applications and are more flexible than conventional seed drills. The SH1000 suits regular or precision sowing, with quick calibration and accurate metering for fine seeds, which is perfect for efficient row fertilisation in combination with a precision drill. The modular mounted construction of the entire series ensures excellent weight distribution and provides maximum balance. This improves tractor manoeuvrability and enhances safety by giving the operator an unrestricted view over the entire set-up. Hopper capacity ranges from 1150 L to 2200 L, depending on the model, hopper extensions and ISOBUS controls.

Seed Box SH Series (SH200E / SH200H / SH500E / SH500H)

Seed Box SH Series

Seed Box SH Series

Kubota’s SH200 and SH500 Series pneumatic seeders are designed to integrate with our Cultivator, Compact Discs and Power Harrows to ensure rapid one-pass crop cover during stubble operation, and economical crop establishment costs. Cover crops are effective at fixing nitrogen and have a positive effect on soil structure, erosion and the environment. The SH200 and SH500 Series provides precision high output seeding, and the seed rate from 200 L to 500 L hopper can be adjusted safely from the cab while working. Eight outlets ensure that seeds are spread uniformly over the working width, and the SH200 and SH500 is versatile for establishing rape or applying mixed diameter seeds like legumes and crucifers.

Compact Disc CD1001 Series (CD1201 / CD1251 / CD1301 / CD1351)

Compact Disc CD1001 Series

Compact Disc CD1001 Series

The Kubota CD1001 Series Compact Disc is designed for shallower operation at up to 10 cm working depth. It’s 15% lighter than the CD2001, and thus easier to lift, which is economical and ideal for reducing soil compaction. The CD1001 is available in working widths from 2 m to 3.5 m and equipped with a disc arm ready to receive the 520 x 5 mm heat-treated conical disc without lateral movement during work for consistent cutting quality.

Compact Disc CD2001 Series (CD2301 / CD2351 / CD2401)

Compact Disc CD2001 Series

Compact Disc CD2001 Series

Stubble cultivation is vital in conservation tillage: it incorporates weeds and volunteer cereal seeds into the soil with intensive mixing and promotes germination for more efficient subsequent treatment. The even incorporation of straw is a key factor for seed germination. The Kubota CD2001 Series Compact Disc meets these demands, and offers the professional farmer versatile machines ready for shallow or deep cultivation.

Compact Disc CD2001F Series (CD2401F / CD2501F / CD2601F)

Compact Disc CD2001F Series

Compact Disc CD2001F Series

Stubble cultivation is vital in conservation tillage: it incorporates weed and volunteer cereal seeds into the soil with intensive mixing and promotes germination for more efficient subsequent treatment. The even incorporation of straw is a key factor for seed germination. The Kubota CD2001F Series of disc cultivators is ready for shallow or deep cultivation and straw mixing. The CD2001F shows excellent performance with large amounts of residue (straw, intermediate green crops etc.) thanks to its small notched conical discs.

Compact Disc CD2001T Series (CD2401T / CD2501T / CD2601T / CD2701T)

Compact Disc CD2001T Series

Compact Disc CD2001T Series

Stubble cultivation is vital in conservation tillage: it incorporates weed and volunteer cereal seeds into the soil with intensive mixing and promotes germination for more efficient subsequent treatment. The even incorporation of straw is a key factor for seed germination. The Kubota CD2001T Series of disc cultivators is ready for shallow and deep cultivation and straw mixing. The CD2001T shows excellent performance with large amounts of residue (straw, intermediate green crops etc.) thanks to its small notched conical discs.

Power Harrow PH1001 Series (PH1251 / PH1301)

Power Harrow PH1001 Series

Power Harrow PH1001 Series

The Kubota PH1001 Series are medium-sized power harrows designed for heavy conditions and tractors up to 140 PTO hp. Thanks to hardened gears and good distance between the conical bearings, the trough design for the PH1001 is strong, reliable and trouble-free.

Power Harrow PH2001 Series (PH2301 / PH2351 / PH2401)

Power Harrow PH2001 Series

Power Harrow PH2001 Series

Kubota’s PH2001 Series rigid medium-sized power harrows have a robust, self-supporting trough design for extra strength and trouble-free operation. Two large conical bearings at a wide distance provide rigidity and long service life, while the reliable headstock means easy connection to all tractors and versatile heavy seed drill combinations. The horizontal transmission and self-supporting frame give increased strength, reduced weight and improved centre of gravity for lift capacity.

Power Harrow PH2000F Series (PH2400F / PH2500F / PH2600F)

Power Harrow PH2000F Series

Power Harrow PH2000F Series

The Kubota PH2000F Series are folding power harrows with working widths from 4 m to 6 m, suitable for large-scale farming. An innovative trough design means that no lateral frame is required, which saves weight and simplifies set-up. There are 4 rotors per metre of trough, and optimum tillage and low power consumption is achieved by the closer inter-tine carrier distances (250 mm). Helical tine configuration and 95 mm rotor clearance allow perfect soil levelling and preparation.

Power Harrow PH3000F Series (PH3500F / PH3600F)

Power Harrow PH3000F Series

Power Harrow PH3000F Series

The Kubota PH3000F offers maximum versatility in combination with all types of seed drills. The range is based on an innovative trough design that does not require a lateral frame. This saves weight and gives the machine a clear set-up. The PH3000F works with 4 rotors per metre of trough, like our other power harrows, and optimum tillage and low power consumption is achieved by the closer inter-tine carrier distances (250 mm). Helical tine configuration combined with 95 mm rotor clearance allow perfect soil levelling and preparation. The new tooth packer design further reduces the weight (up to 60 kg) and has maintenance-free bearings.

Reversible Plough RM2005 Series (RM2005-3 / RM2005-4 / RM2005-5)

Reversible Plough RM2005 Series

Reversible Plough RM2005 Series

The Kubota RM2005 Series Reversible Plough is a robust machine for light to heavy soils and tractors up to 150 PTO hp. The standard and fully adjustable Auto-line system guarantees correct pull at all times, and the 150 x 150 mm box section frame is induction heat-treated, with no welding to avoid spot weaknesses. The headstock and main shaft are also heat treated for maximum strength and hardness.

Reversible Plough RM3005V Series (RM3005V-3 / RM3005V-4 / RM3005V-5)

Reversible Plough RM3005V Series

Reversible Plough RM3005V Series

The Kubota RM3005V Series Reversible Plough is for tractors up to 200 PTO hp and offers durable performance in light to heavy soils. The standard and fully adjustable Auto-line system guarantees correct pull at all times, and the 150 x 150 mm box section frame is induction heat-treated, with no welding to avoid spot weaknesses. The headstock and main shaft are also heat treated for maximum strength and hardness.

Reversible Plough RS7005V Series (RS7005V-6 / RS7005V-7 / RS7005V-8)

Reversible Plough RS7005V Series

Reversible Plough RS7005V Series

The RS7005V Series Reversible Plough is designed for large areas and light to heavy soil conditions. The standard and fully adjustable Auto-line system guarantees correct pull at all times, and single piece 200 x 200 mm box section frame is induction heat-treated, with no welding to avoid spot weaknesses. Up to 8 furrows are possible.

Mulcher SE1001 Series (SE1151 / SE1181)

Mulcher SE1001 Series

Mulcher SE1001 Series

The Kubota SE1001 Series Mulcher is a small, medium-duty machine for use on slightly rough ground and other green amenity areas, and for tidying pasture and similar situations. The SE1001 is suitable for tractors up to 50 PTO hp and available in 1.50 m and 1.80 m working widths. Like our entire mulcher range, the SE1001 Series is solidly built, precisely balanced, easy to control and requires little to no maintenance even in the toughest conditions. These first machines in the mulcher range are small and light, but still offer high rotation speed and plenty of flail blades for powerful chopping performance.

Mulcher SE2000P Series (SE2200P / SE2230P / SE2250P)

Mulcher SE2000P Series

Mulcher SE2000P Series

The Kubota SE2000P Series Mulcher is a highly versatile and manoeuvrable solution for farming and road maintenance due to the variation in working angle positions, making the SE2000P indispensable for daily farming or contracting. Compared to the SE2000 the SE2000P has major offset abilities (1250 mm) and reach positions, providing working angles impossible to achieve with similar equipment. In addition, the SE2000P allows chopper combinations with a front unit (SE4000 Series or SE6000 Series) so working coverage is optimised without any overlap.

Mulcher SE3000 Series (SE3155 / SE3185 / SE3200 / SE3230 / SE3250)

Mulcher SE3000 Series

Mulcher SE3000 Series

The Kubota SE3000 Series Mulcher is a compact, heavy-duty machine for moderately demanding jobs in soft and top fruit orchards, vineyards and light undergrowth. It’s equally handy for tidying pasture and other grass fields, or chopping straw and stubble. Due to its solid construction the SE3000 promises a long lifetime with minimal maintenance. The 500 mm standard offset increases versatility and provides safer working conditions. In addition, the standard roller and skids support the chopper to maintain a constant working depth.

Mulcher SE4000 Series (SE4235 / SE4280 / SE4325)

Mulcher SE4000 Series

Mulcher SE4000 Series

The Kubota SE4000 Series Mulcher is a powerful multipurpose chopper for grass, pasture, set-aside land and stubble, as well as clippings in orchards and vineyards. A strong double headstock allows for front or rear tractor mounting. Together with the hydraulic offset, this means the SE4000 is versatile in many conditions, from clearing out field edges and orchards to road edges. The hydraulic offset is also ideal for road maintenance.

Mulcher SE5000 Series (SE5235 / SE5280 / SE5320)

Mulcher SE5000 Series

Mulcher SE5000 Series

The Kubota SE5000 Series Mulcher is a multipurpose machine for chopping grass, pasture, set-aside land and stubble, as well as cutting in vineyards and orchards. With its hydraulic offset the SE5000 is well suited to clearing out field edges, orchards and road edges. Hammer blades provide perfect shredding quality in all conditions. The SE5000 Series slide 520 mm in offset, making it ideal for field and farm maintenance, while the wide 540 mm diameter rotor guarantees excellent cut and efficient power use. In addition, easy, minimal maintenance requirements make the SE5000 Series a profitable chopper.

Mulcher SE6000 Series (SE6280 / SE6320)

Mulcher SE6000 Series

Mulcher SE6000 Series

The Kubota SE6000 Series Mulcher is a versatile machine suitable for front and rear tractor mounting. The headstock is taken from our well-known and proven power harrow design, and the integrated sliding tube concentrates all force and stress on the 3-point linkage. A 520 mm hydraulic offset is standard, along with a central gearbox rated up to 160 PTO hp with double integrated freewheel. PTO tractor input can be 540 or 1000 rpm, achieved by inverting the belt pulleys. The 5 V-belts combined with automatic tensioner ensure smooth transmission and prevent slippage even in the toughest working conditions. No maintenance is required.

Mulcher SE7000 Series (SE7280 / SE7320)

Mulcher SE7000 Series

Mulcher SE7000 Series

The Kubota SE7000 Series Mulcher delivers Kubota’s largest and toughest grass and straw choppers for heavy-duty work on set-aside land and cultivated fields. The SE7000 chopper is indispensable on grass fields or for chopping straw, stubble and other crop residues after harvest, but also useful for fruit farms, clearing scrub and tidying pasture. The SE7000 Series is available in 2 working widths, covering all requirements from professional farmers.

Mulcher SE8000 Series (SE8320 / SE8400)

Mulcher SE8000 Series

Mulcher SE8000 Series

The Kubota SE8000 Series Mulcher is designed and tested for performance and reliability to meet the most challenging farm requirements. Developed for big and intensive farms, the SE8000 is ideal for demanding and specialised contractors. It’s excellent for shredding crop residues, and chopping straw, maize and sunflower stalks, as well as dealing with set-aside land. Precise operation ensures quality work for better residues and easier natural decomposition.

Rotary Cutter RCR12 Series (RCR1242 / RCR1248 / RCR1260 / RCR1272)

Rotary Cutter RCR12 Series

Rotary Cutter RCR12 Series

The RCR12 Series Rotary Cutters from Land Pride are an economical solution to grass maintenance on farms, rural areas, or vacant lots. The 1" cut capacity makes it a good solution for rough-cut areas that have small saplings and weeds. The RCR12 is a good match for a subcompact or compact tractor up to 60 HP and features a fully-welded deck and a 24" stump jumper.

Rotary Cutter RCR1548 (RCR1548)

Rotary Cutter RCR1548

Rotary Cutter RCR1548

The RCR1548 rotary cutter from Land Pride is well suited to landowners looking for a heavier duty 1.2m working width rotary cutter. The RCR1548 is a durable solution to grass maintenance on farms, rural areas, or vacant lots. The 2" (51mm) cut capacity makes it a good solution for rough-cut areas that have small saplings and weeds. This model is suitable for subcompact or compact tractor up to 60 HP and features a fully-welded deck and a 24" stump jumper.

Product Features

The RCR15 Rotary Cutters from Land Pride have a floating three point hitch and tail wheel as standard for exceptional cut quality on undulating ground. The hitch and tailwheel combination also reduce weight on the tractor and makes the machine very simple to operate. A dishpan is standard on all models which protects the gearbox and blade bar. Quickhitch compatibility further increases ease of use and a 5 year gearbox warranty provides excellent peace of mind for this main driveline component.

Rotary Cutter RCF20 Series (RCF2060 / RCF2072 / RCF2084)

Rotary Cutter RCF20 Series

Rotary Cutter RCF20 Series

The RCF20 Series features a smooth top for easier cleaning and a floating top link for following ground undulations in grass, weeds, and light brush up to 2" in diameter. The RCF20 is ideal for rural acreage or farm grass maintenance. These cutters have a Category 1 3-Point hitch that are Quick Hitch adaptable. The standard ASAE Category 3 driveline comes with slip-clutch protection and the tailwheel is a hard wearing laminated material.

Rotary Cutter RCF27 Series Series (RCF2760 / RCF2772 / RCF2784)

Rotary Cutter RCF27 Series

Rotary Cutter RCF27 Series

The RCF27 Series Rotary Cutter is a heavy duty smooth top rotary cutter suitable for tractors up to 130hp. As with all Land Pride rotary cutters, cut quality is exceptional in grass. The heavy duty design of the RCF27 series makes it suitable for slashing brush, and small trees up to 3" (76mm) in diameter. These units come equipped standard with a 3/16" thick heavy-duty stump jumper and replaceable bolt-on skid shoes.

Rotary Cutter RCF36 Series (RCF3672 / RCF3684 / RCF3696 / RCF3610)

Rotary Cutter RCF36 Series

Rotary Cutter RCF36 Series

The RCF36 Series is the most durable and heavy duty rigid frame rotary cutter offered by Land Pride. Perfect for intensive users and contractors, the RCF36 series will stand up to the toughest conditions while maintaining a quality finish and uniform cut. Four sizes are available ranging from 6ft (1.8m) to 10ft (3m). The 6ft (1.8m) and 7ft (2.1m) models are single spindle machines with a 190hp gearbox rating. The 8ft (2.4m) and 10ft (3m) models are dual spindle machines with 210hp rated gearboxes. The Land Pride RCF36 Series will excel in many tasks including mowing heavy grass and weeds, row crop stubble, thick brush, and small trees. Cut capacity is 4"(102mm) on the single spindle models and 3" (76mm) on the dual spindle models. The RCF36 has a smooth top design and offers a 2" to 12" cutting height range. Front and rear chain safety guards are included on all models.

Folding Rotary Cutters (RC2512-2 / RC(G)3715 / RC(M)5715 / RC(M)4620)

Folding Rotary Cutters

Folding Rotary Cutters

The Land Pride range of folding rotary cutters includes models with working width from 12ft (3.6m) to 20ft (6.1m). The RC2512-2 has a 12ft (3.7m) working width and is suitable for 40-100hp tractors, The RC2512-2 has a 1.5" (38mm) cut capacity making it ideal for pasture maintenance and similar light duty tasks. The RC37 series includes a 15ft (4.6m) working width model and is our most popular series. The RC37 series is highly versatile and heavy duty with a 3" (75mm) cut capacity. The RC37 series is available with our standard painted finish or a galvanise dipped finish (RCG37 series). The galvanised model has all of the same great features as its painted counterpart. The only difference being the galvanised finish with 10 year rust through deck warranty. The RC57 series is a heavy duty series most commonly purchased by roadside mowing contractors, intensive users or customers looking for our most robust and durable 15ft (4.6m) folding rotary cutter. The RC57 series is available in 540 or 1,000rpm PTO speed and has an impressive 5" (125mm) cut capacity. The RC46 series includes a 20ft (6.1m) working width model and is commonly used for wide area mowing applications like airports and air force bases. The RC46 series is available in 540 or 1,000rpm PTO speed and has a 3" (75mm) cut capacity.

Grooming Mowers FDR16 Series (FDR1648 / FDR1660 / FDR1672)

Grooming Mowers FDR16 Series

Grooming Mowers FDR16 Series

Land Pride Grooming Mowers are a rear-mount alternative to a belly-mount mower for your subcompact and compact tractor. With three fixed blades and a floating 3-Point hitch, these mowers give you a clean cut in fescue and other turf-type grasses.

Grooming Mowers FDR25 Series (FDR2572 / FDR2584)

Grooming Mowers FDR25 Series

Grooming Mowers FDR25 Series

Land Pride's FDR25 Series Grooming Mowers offer the same 3-blade system and floating hitch as the FDR16 and provide professional results for larger acreage homeowners and municipalities. Their frame-over-deck design supports the deck, minimizing flex and provides superb cutting performance in turf-grass applications.

Grooming Mowers FDR36 Series (FDR3690)

Grooming Mowers FDR36 Series

Grooming Mowers FDR36 Series

Our FDR3690 Grooming Mower is built for commercial use by mowing contractors. Contractors will appreciate the ease of maintenance and the 6 free-swinging mediumlift blades that provide a uniform cut in heavy turf grasses. The tapered deck design allows operators to get close to obstacles while the rear discharge directs debris toward the ground, allowing for even distribution of clippings.

Quick Hitch QH Series (QH05 / QH16 / QH20 / QH30)

Quick Hitch QH Series

Quick Hitch QH Series

Land Pride's QH05 Series Quick Hitch is specifically engineered for sub-compact tractors. Owners of sub-compact tractors will find that the Land Pride QH05 speeds implement changes, allowing more time to get chores completed - most without ever leaving the tractor seat. Automatic locks on the lower 3-point arms make hook-up a breeze. Spring-loaded levers make unlocking the lower pin equally as easy and can be done from the tractor seat most of the time. The optional floating top link is required for Land Pride implements with a swiveling top hitch to keep it from binding when going through ditches or other undulations. Land Pride's QH15 & QH16 Series - Not all 3-point products are quick-hitch adaptable, especially older units of any brand. With our adjustable top hook, Land Pride's QH15 & QH16 hitch has a better chance of fitting older 3-point attachments. Look for the Quick Hitch logo to denote applicable Land Pride products. Land Pride's 3-Point Quick-Hitch is available for a Cat. 1 hitch allowing you to easily hook on to implements, some without ever leaving the tractor seat. Implement dealers, rental yards, implement manufacturers, landscape contractors, professional turf managers, nurseries, municipalities, and large feedlot operations can increase productivity by using the Land Pride Quick-Hitch. An optional floating top link kit is required for implements that have a swiveling top link. This keeps the top link attached when going through ditches. Land Pride's QH20 Series 3-Point Quick-Hitch is available for a Cat. 2 hitch allowing you to easily hook on to implements, some without ever leaving the tractor seat. Land Pride's QH30 Series 3-Point Quick-Hitch is available for a Cat. 3 hitch.

Rotary Tillers RTR05 Series (RTR0542 / RTR0550)

Rotary Tillers RTR05 Series

Rotary Tillers RTR05 Series

The Land Pride RTR05 Series Rotary Tillers are designed to till soil for seedbed preparation. The RTR05 Series is a lightweight design perfect for Kubota BX series and similar subcompact tractors. The compact 13" (33cm) rotor swing diameter and efficient 4 blade per flange design reduces power requirement to better suit sub-compact tractors. They are ideal for homeowner landscaping, small nurseries, gardens and small hobby farms. The RTR05, and all reverse rotation tillers, tends to achieve greater depth of penetration, moving and pulverizing more soil in the process, while burying residue as opposed to leaving it on top.

Rotary Tillers RTA12 Series (RTA1242 / RTA1250 / RTA1258 / RTA1266 / RTA1274 / RTA1282)

Rotary Tillers RTA12 Series

Rotary Tillers RTA12 Series

Land Pride's RTA12 Series forward rotation Rotary Tillers are a great seedbed preparation tool. With uses in rural and non-rural applications like landscaping and gardening, the 12 Series Rotary Tillers offer an economical yet durable tilling solution. These units feature a- 3 year gearbox warranty, 10 year chain and sprocket warranty, and 6-1/2" tilling depth. Look for the RTR12 Series for your reverse rotation alternative.

Rotary Tillers RTR12 Series (RTR1242 / RTR1250 / RTR1258 / RTR1266 / RTR1274 / RTR1282)

Rotary Tillers RTR12 Series

Rotary Tillers RTR12 Series

The Land Pride RTR12 Series reverse-till Rotary Tillers turn the soil to prepare a seedbed for gardening or lawn seeding. With uses in both rural and non-rural applications like landscaping and gardening, the RTR12 Series offers an economical tilling solution. The RTR12, and all Land Pride reverse rotation tillers, tends to achieve greater depth of penetration, moving and pulverizing more soil in the process, while burying residue as opposed to leaving it on top. Please note, that the Quick-Hitch may require a longer driveline, which is available through Land Pride Parts.

Rotary Tillers RTA35 Series (RTA3576)

Rotary Tillers RTA35 Series

Rotary Tillers RTA35 Series

The RTA3576 is Land Pride's toughest tiller, built to withstand the rigors of commercial jobs. The 35 Series Tiller is designed to go all day, day after day, in the most demanding jobs. With a 19" rotor swing diameter, this tiller can turn over a bunch of dirt without much getting in its way and is ideal for landscaping, nurseries, and commercial gardening applications. The Cat. 4 slip-clutch driveline and 75hp gearbox keeps the power coming in the toughest conditions. The spring loaded rear deflector keeps the tailgate on the ground to level and keeps larger debris in for more pulverizing action.

Powered Rakes PR16 Series (PR1660 / PR1672 / PR1690)

Powered Rakes PR16 Series

Powered Rakes PR16 Series

Land Pride’s PR16 Series Powered Rake is a multi-functional seed bed and soil surface preparation tool for landscapers and turf care professionals, capable of grading, leveling, shaping, cultivating, renovating, and pulverizing various types of soil surfaces. They are also capable of raking or windrowing soil, rocks, and construction site debris. The 60" or 72" working widths are a good choice for smaller landscaping and turf renovation jobs, while the 90" model is perfect for larger commercial jobs.

Arena Graders AG15 Series (AG1560 / AG1572 / AG1584)

Arena Graders AG15 Series

Arena Graders AG15 Series

Land Pride’s AG15 Series Arena Grader is an entry level arena grader for hobbyists and enthusiasts. The Cat 1 hitch is quick hitch compatible and ties into a 2" x 2" square tube frame. The end tubes are 2" x 3". The S-tines feature replaceable tips. Behind the two rows of S-tines is a five-position leveling bar to smooth the soil. The job is finished with either a pipe or mesh roller to break clods and fluff the soil. The working depth is 4" and is set by a simple ratchet handle, a Land Pride exclusive feature.

Landscape Rake LR05 Series (LR0548 / LR0560)

Landscape Rake LR05 Series

Landscape Rake LR05 Series

The Land Pride LR0548 & LR0560 Landscape Rakes are perfectly suited for light-duty use by landscapers and rental yards with applications at housing projects, golf courses, terracing sites, run-off control projects and restoration sites to perform final soil surface preparation and reshaping soil and/or aggregate profile. Optional dual gauge wheels are also available to enable a more consistent finish over uneven or undulating terrain.

Landscape Rake LR16 Series (LR1660 / LR1672 / LR1684 / LR1696)

Landscape Rake LR16 Series

Landscape Rake LR16 Series

The LR1660, LR1672, LR1684 and LR1696 Landscape Rakes from Land Pride perform final soil surface preparation and reshaping soil and/or aggregate profile and offer angling capabilities to meet specific finishing needs. Optional gauge wheel packages are also available to enable a more consistent finish over uneven or undulating terrain. The LR16 offers a flip-down grader to expedite material distribution and contouring tasks. These Land Pride Landscape Rakes are perfectly suited for use by landscapers, contractors, and rental yards and have applications at housing and road construction projects, golf courses, terracing sites, run-off control projects, and reclamation and reforestation sites. *S/N 872034+ is compatible with QH05.

Landscape Rake LR26 Series (LR2684 / LR2696)

Landscape Rake LR26 Series

Landscape Rake LR26 Series

Land Pride's LR26 Series Landscape Rakes are ideal for spreading rock, moving debris, preparing seed beds, and reshaping soil and/or aggregate profile. LR26 Rakes are available in 84" (LR2684) and 96" (LR2696) widths. These Landscape Rakes offer seven forward angles up to 45 degrees. The LR26 is designed for tractors up to 60 HP and features a quick-hitch compatible Cat. 1 Hitch and can be ordered with an optional hydraulic angling kit.

Landscape Rake LR37 Series (LR3784 / LR3796)

Landscape Rake LR37 Series

Landscape Rake LR37 Series

Land Pride's LR3784 & LR3796 Landscape Rakes are perfectly suited for housing construction, road reconditioning, run-off control projects, and reforestation sites to spread rock, move debris, seed preparation, final soil surface preparation, and reshaping soil and/or aggregate profile.

Box Scraper BB05 Series (BB0548 / BB0554)

Box Scraper BB05 Series

Box Scraper BB05 Series

The BB05 Series Box Scrapers are ideal for light-duty ripping, leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications at small feedlots, outdoor arenas, building sites, and maintenance operations on small farms and home owner driveways and roadways. The manually adjustable ripping shanks and the fore and aft cutting blades make these units especially effective and productive for small projects such as grading, light roadway maintenance, and feedlot maintenance.

Box Scraper BB12 Series (BB1248 / BB1254 / BB1260 / BB1266 / BB1272)

Box Scraper BB12 Series

Box Scraper BB12 Series

The Land Pride BB1248, BB12 Box Scrapers are designed for Category 1 - 3-point hitch or Quick-Hitch System mounting to tractors in the 30 hp range. These Box Scrapers are ideal for ripping, leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications and offer forward and reverse cutting edges. The rear backfill blade allows for backfilling trenches or foundations. The stout 15-3/8" moldboard holds its shape under heavy loads.

Box Scraper BB15 Series (BB1560 / BB1566 / BB1572)

Box Scraper BB15 Series

Box Scraper BB15 Series

Land Pride's BB1560, BB1566 & BB1572 Fixed Bar Box Scrapers are ideal for ripping, leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications at feedlots, outdoor arenas, and building sites, and for maintenance operations on farm and ranch lanes or roadways. Our BB15 offers five different working widths to choose from. The roll-formed moldboard keeps materials flowing which puts less drag on the Box Scraper, resulting in lower HP requirements and faster working conditions while the rear backfill blade allows for backfilling trenches or along foundations.

Box Scraper BB25 Series (BB2560 / BB2566 / BB2572 / BB2584 / BB2596)

Box Scraper BB25 Series

Box Scraper BB25 Series

Land Pride's BB2560, BB2566, BB2572, BB2584 & BB2596 Fixed Bar Box Scrapers are ideal for building sites, feedlots, outdoor arenas, and on farm and ranch lanes or roadways. Two welded braces extending from front to rear of bucket plus welded gussets between the side panels and moldboard provide exceptional strength for keeping the Box Scraper square under heavy loads. Dirt rolls off of the roll-formed moldboard while scraping, creating less drag and you will get twice the wear on the cutting edge due to its reversability.

Box Scraper BB35 Series (BB3578 / BB3584 / BB3596)

Box Scraper BB35 Series

Box Scraper BB35 Series

Land Pride's BB3578, BB3584 & BB3596 Box Blades are a heavier 3-point Box Blade to complement our popular line of Box Blades offered by Land Pride. The beefy 3/8" x 4" x 4" main-frame tube and 3/8" end panels makes our 35 Series Fixed Bar Box Scraper ideal for construction sites and commercial operations or for use by counties and municipalities. Two welded channel braces extend from front to rear of the box plus welded gussets between the side panels and 23" roll-formed moldboard provide exceptional strength under heavy loads. The durable BB35 is comfortable dragging or back-filling.

Grading Scraper GS05 Series (GS0548 / GS0560)

Grading Scraper GS05 Series

Grading Scraper GS05 Series

Land Pride GS0548 & GS0560 Grading Scrapers have uses and applications in landscaping, hobby farms, and small estates and are a low cost alternative for road grading applications. They do not require the additional horsepower or tending of tractor 3-point lift controls that a box scraper normally requires. Simply setting a properly adjusted GS05 Series Grading Scraper on the ground and driving forward enables the operator to grade off high spots and fill in ruts and low spots on unimproved roads and lanes with little or no manipulation of the tractors 3-point hitch controls. Unlike a rear blade, they require no adjustment of blade angling or offset positions.

Grading Scraper GS15 Series (GS1548 / GS1560 / GS1572)

Grading Scraper GS15 Series

Grading Scraper GS15 Series

Land Pride GS0560 Grading Scrapers have uses and applications in landscaping, hobby farms, and small estates and are a low cost alternative for road grading applications. They do not require the additional horsepower or tending of tractor 3-point lift controls that a box scraper normally requires. Simply setting a properly adjusted GS05 Series Grading Scraper on the ground and driving forward enables the operator to grade off high spots and fill in ruts and low spots on unimproved roads and lanes with little or no manipulation of the tractors 3-point hitch controls. Unlike a rear blade, they require no adjustment of blade angling or offset positions. Land Pride's GS1572 Grading Scrapers have uses in applications such as landscaping, small farms and ranches, hunting camps, large estates, small acreages, and sod farms. The GS15 is extra user-friendly and a low cost alternative for road grading applications. Unlike a box scraper, they are not designed to transfer large volumes of dirt from one location to another and as a result do not require the additional horsepower that a box scraper normally requires. Nor does it require the tending of tractor 3-point lift controls to maintain grade that a box scraper might require. The GS2596 Grading Scrapers are ideal for renovating gravel driveways and roads, leveling construction and turf sites, and cleaning barns and chicken coups. Grading Scrapers have uses in applications such as landscaping operations, farms, ranches, construction sites, hunting camps, logging sites, mining operations, large estates, small acreages, sod farms, and municipal and county rural road maintenance facilities. These Grading Scrapers are extra user-friendly and a low cost alternative for road grading applications.

Grading Scraper GS25 Series (GS2572 / GS2584 / GS2596)

Grading Scraper GS25 Series

Grading Scraper GS25 Series

Land Pride's GS2572, GS2584 & GS2596 Grading Scrapers are ideal for renovating gravel driveways and roads, leveling construction and turf sites, and cleaning barns and chicken coups. Grading Scrapers have uses in applications such as landscaping operations, farms, ranches, construction sites, hunting camps, logging sites, mining operations, large estates, small acreages, sod farms, and municipal and county rural road maintenance facilities. These Grading Scrapers are extra user-friendly and a low cost alternative for road grading applications.

Rear Grader Blade RB Series (RB0548 / RB1560 / RB1672 / RB2684)

Rear Grader Blade RB Series

Rear Grader Blade RB Series

Land Pride RB05 Rear Blades are an excellent and economical choice for applications in leveling, finish grading, and backfilling at feedlots, building sites, nurseries, and maintenance operations on small farms and home sites. The RB05 is the perfect companion for your sub-compact tractor. Land Pride RB15 Series Rear Blades are an excellent and economical choice for applications in leveling, finish grading, and backfilling at feedlots, outdoor arenas, building sites, nurseries, and maintenance operations on farms, ranches, and home owner lanes and roadways. The multitude of forward and reverse working angles as well as moldboard offset capability allows the operator to work right up next to retaining walls, abutments and raised curbing. They are excellent for snow removal in the pulling or push blade mode. A retractable parking stand is included to accommodate easier blade removal, storage and remount capabilities. *S/N 872034+ is compatible with QH05. Land Pride RB16 Series Rear Blades offer 3-way positioning (blade angle, blade tilt, and blade offset) and are an excellent choice for leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications at feedlots, outdoor arenas, building sites, nurseries, and maintenance operations on farms, ranches, or home owner lanes, and roadways. They are excellent for snow removal in pulling or push blade mode. Their offset and tilt capability make them an excellent choice for construction and maintenance of drainage ditches, waterways, soil contours, and for maintaining silage pit operations. *S/N 872034+ is compatible with QH05.

Rear Grader Blade RBT Series (RBT3584 / RBT3596 / RBT4596 / RBT45108)

Rear Grader Blade RBT Series

Rear Grader Blade RBT Series

Land Pride's RBT35 & RBT45 Series Hydraulic Rear Blades are an excellent choice for leveling, finish grading, and backfilling applications at large feedlots, outdoor arenas, construction sites, nurseries, and maintenance operations on farms, ranches, or homeowner lanes or roadways. They are excellent for snow removal in the pulling or the push-blade mode. Their hydraulic or manual angle, offset, and tilt capability make them ideal for construction and maintenance of drainage ditches, waterways, and soil contours. They are also very effective in maintaining silage pit operations.

Post Hole Digger PD10/25/35 Series (PD10 / PD25 / PD35)

Post Hole Digger PD10/25/35 Series

Post Hole Digger PD10/25/35 Series

The PD10 Series Post Hole Digger is just right for Category 1 three-point attachment for subcompact utility tractors. This unit offers a 30" (76cm) auger length and a choice of 6", 9", & 12" auger flights with cast steel fishtail tips for quick piloting and faster hole starting. Homeowners, landscapers, and rental yards will find this unit very effective for occasional duty and for working and manoeuvring in tight spots. The PD25 Series Post Hole Diggers are the perfect fit for heavy-duty applications on nurseries, tree farms, landscapers, contractors, construction companies & farms. The PD25 Series is designed for Category 1 or 2 three-point attachment, offers a 48" (122cm) auger length, and a choice of 6", 9", 12", 15", 18" or 24" auger flights with cast steel fishtail tips. The Land Pride PD35 Series Post Hole Digger is designed to meet the industrial duty applications of landscapers, construction companies, nurseries, ranchers, and farmers. The PD35 is designed for Category 1 or 2 three-point attachment and offers a 48" (122cm) auger length and 9", 12", 15", 18" or 24" auger flights with cast steel fishtail tips. Accessories include a storage stand, hydraulic down pressure kit (requires selective control valve (SCV) on tractor and auger extensions.

Auger Drive SA20 Series (SA20)

Auger Drive SA20 Series

Auger Drive SA20 Series

The SA20 is ideal for landscapers, contractors, construction companies, farmers, ranchers, and others.

Disc Harrow DH10 Series (DH1048 / DH1060)

Disc Harrow DH10 Series

Disc Harrow DH10 Series

The Land Pride DH1048 & DH1060 Disc Harrow opens and breaks up the soil surface to help prepare the soil seedbed for planting. The forward gang has aggressive notched discs while the rear gang has a choice of notched or smooth discs to quickly break up and evenly redistribute the finely cultivated topsoil. Land Pride's DH1572 Disc Harrows are the ideal implement for landscapers and small acreage farmers. Disc gangs can be ordered with smooth or notched arrays for lighter or more aggressive applications based on customer needs. Land Pride's DH2596 Disc Harrows have applications in commercial landscaping, construction, farms, ranches, and municipal maintenance programs, and can be used in conjunction with Land Pride's seeding package - Seed Bed Roller, Electric Spin Spreader, and Drag Harrow.

Disc Harrow DH15 Series (DH1560 / DH1572 / DH1590)

Disc Harrow DH15 Series

Disc Harrow DH15 Series

Land Pride's DH1560, DH1572 & DH1590 Disc Harrows break up the ground with their heavy-duty frames and heat treated disc blades, making them ideal for landscapers and small acreage farmers. Disc gangs can be ordered with smooth or notched arrays for lighter or more aggressive applications based on customer needs. The DH15 Series Disc Harrows are at home in applications from commercial landscaping, nurseries, and large gardens to small farms and municipal beautification programs.

Disc Harrow DH25 Series (DH2572 / DH2596)

Disc Harrow DH25 Series

Disc Harrow DH25 Series

Land Pride's DH2572 & DH2596 Disc Harrows breakup and redistribute the soil surface in preparation of seedbed and field planting operations. Disc gangs can be ordered with smooth or notched disc gang arrays for lighter or more aggressive applications and this series does offer 20" diameter or larger 22" diameter discs to meet specific customer needs. The DH25 Series Disc Harrows have applications in commercial landscaping, construction, farms, ranches, and municipal maintenance programs, and can be used in conjunction with Land Pride's seeding package - Seed Bed Roller, Electric Spin Spreader, and Drag Harrow.

Mouldboard Plough MP10/MP20 (MP10 / MP20)

Mouldboard Plough MP10/MP20

Mouldboard Plough MP10/MP20

Land Pride's MP10 and MP20 Moldboard Plows are ideal for small acreage farms or large gardens. These plows are the ideal tool for initial cultivation of soil to prepare for planting or when deeper tillage -- more than a field cultivator can provide -- is required. Both models are equipped with replaceable 14" shares, shins, and landsides for easy maintenance. The MP10 and MP20 frames feature a 1" x 4" steel trailing arm and cross member, as well as a Cat. 1 3-point hitch. The optional coulter allows for a smoother furrow edge and helps reduce slightly the drag on the moldboard.

Seed Bed Roller SBR Series (SBR72)

Seed Bed Roller SBR Series

Seed Bed Roller SBR Series

Land Pride's SBR72 Seed Bed Rollers will break up smaller clumps and dirt clods, while pressing applied seed into firm contact with the soil profile for greatly improved germination rates. They are available with a 3-point hitch or pull-type, and are ideal in landscaping, sports field maintenance, pasture maintenance, professional turf care, general seeding and overseeding applications.

All-purpose Seeders APS15 Series (APS1548 / APS1560 / APS1572 / APS1586)

All-purpose Seeders APS15 Series

All-purpose Seeders APS15 Series

The APS1548, APS1560 & APS1572 All Purpose Seeders are excellent combination planting and cultivation tools for golf courses, school systems, municipalities, rental yards, construction companies, sports fields, and college campuses. Their narrower widths make them effective in seeding applications on residential lots, grassy medians, or rights-of-way adjacent to sidewalks, community parks, sporting facilities, and golf courses. Unlike wider seeder models, these units will do a more effective job of planting in areas where undulations, moguls, and depressions are prevalent.

Overseeder OS15 Series (OS1548 / OS1572)

Overseeder OS15 Series

Overseeder OS15 Series

Land Pride's OS1548 & OS1572 Solid Stand Overseeders offer precise placement and seed-to-soil contact, making them ideal for over-seeding existing stands of grass or establishing new turf. The three way seed-to-soil contact system provides great germination and emergence with the solid advantages of a full-width seeding pattern. Your choice of straight or curved knives slice into the ground creating slits to receive the seed. Fluted seed cups precisely meter the desired amount of seed in a broadcast pattern, delivering outstanding metering accuracy. The solid, cast-iron packer wheels finish the job by pressing and firmly packing the seed into the soil, eliminating most air pockets. Choose from gauge-wheel drive or plant close to sidewalks and obstacles with the rear-roller drive.

SGC Series Claw Grapples (SGC0548 / SGC0660 / SGC1060 / SGC1072)

SGC Series Claw Grapples

SGC Series Claw Grapples

Easily grasp, lift, and move a variety of materials greatly reducing the time spent on property maintenance with Land Pride's Claw Grapples. The tines are manufactured from high-tensile AR400 steel making it light-weight, yet extremely durable. For additional strength, the frame is made of stout 2" x 3" rectangular tubing. The hinge points feature 3/4" greasable pins. The 9-3/8" tooth spacing and a 32" jaw opening make this attachment a versatile tool to help you get work done. Land Pride also has six 3rd Function Valve Kits for a variety of Kubota tractor/loader combinations. Add versatility to your tractor by completing the package with a 3rd Function Kit.

Cnr. Bunya Highway & Stehbens Street, Kingaroy QLD 4610
(07) 4162 4980
Sales Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
By Arrangement. Call 0447 477 874
Service Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Parts Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 11:30am

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